Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gossip Girl - A New Sheriff is in Town

Serena as the new Queen "B"; I am not sure that I am buying it but it certainly made for a juicy episode last night. Although I am trying to piece the whole hour together since Comcast (did I mention how much I hate them) HD went out about halfway through the show. But I got the basic gist and I have already sent my angry email this morning (I have been up for awhile).

Serena sees Dan with a new girl (unbeknownst to everyone she was hired by Chuck Bass) and gets jealous. Dan asks the new girl out, Chuck eggs the minions on and viola Serena has become the new mean girl of the school. Now where was Blair during all of this mess? Funny you should ask; The Duchess paid a little visit to Vanessa to pay her off and Vanessa went to return the check. While she was in the apartment she views (and gets a picture) of The Duchess having an affair with Marcus (yes her stepson and yes gross). Vanessa takes this information to Blair in hopes that this will help Nate. Now Blair (with her scheming self) does work out a deal but Vanessa ruins it by going to The Duke herself. See what I mean Blair was just busy which is why she did not witness Serena's rise to power.

So now Serena is the new Queen, Blair is trying to figure out what happened, Check Bass is proud of himself and the way things worked out, Vanessa and Nate are not talking because Vanessa went to Blair and not him with the information that she had, and Dan has become a social pariah. How is that for an episode? If there is anything that I missed please let me know. Its getting good...90210? Not even close. Till next week. XOXO

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