Thursday, August 13, 2009

He is only 17....

I know that I have stated more than once that I am on Team Jacob for the new Twilight movie. I have also announced that I feel like a cougar whenever I look at this movie. Here are some of his latest pictures. Now when does this movie open??????


David Dust said...

I'm cougaring-it-up right there with you. I think he's really in his late 20's, and they just SAY he's 17. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Can you imagine what he's going to look like when he's 28?!? Oh Jeebus...


Tivo Mom said...

I usually am not one for eye candy but there is something about this kid. He was born in the 90's. How crazy is that? Lets pretend he is older just to make me feel better.