Thursday, December 8, 2011

Favorite Line from Modern Family last night...

Modern Family is always good for quotables and last night's Christmas (ok December 16th) episode was no exception.  My favorite line of the night was when Manny and Phil walked in with the groceries and Claire looked up and said..."oh here is Phil with the Butterball", Manny "I have a name Claire".  Loved it.  A close second was when Jay looked at Cam and said, "put a cork in it"...I know, I know you had to see it but still thanks for the laughs Modern Family.  Oh and favorite moment...when Phil, who was still feeling the aftereffects of the taser" was helping Cam fix the tree from behind.  Hilarious.  What was your favorite line?  Sad that the show is done for the year but at least they celebrated with a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Butterball" line had me laughing out loud but, by the end of the episode, there was a tear in my eye. Both hysterical and heartwarming! I love "Modern Family" ... always have. One of my first blog posts was about this show!