Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Love So You Think You Can Dance but...

This new elimination concept is driving me crazy.  For those of you who do not watch So You Think You Can Dance, this year instead of having an entire hour on a different night to eliminate dancers, it is all done in one night.  I understand that the elimination night was brutal but this "all in one night" thing is even more so.  Not only that but last night consisted of dancers performing routines that had already been done?  As a tribute to Mia Michaels, the dancers danced her iconic pieces.  I don't like comparing dancers.  I don't like the fact that we have seen these routines before and for the really amazing ones it is hard to get the previous dancers out of our head.  Sorry I am just bitching a little.  I love this show and I don't like change.  Plus that cute little Matthew (who looks a little like Ryan Gosling) was eliminated last night and Cyrus is still around.  Sometimes talent is not enough. 

3 comments: said...

I'm with you. Love the show ... LOVE Cat Keeley ... hate the new format. I think this is a great example of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". And, frankly, two winners is just stupid.

It's never, really, been all about dancing. It's really a popularity contest, too.

Still, I'll keep watching.

Bob said...

I may stop watching now that cute little Matthew is gone.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t really think of the comparisons as being a focus of the episode, but that did happen, so I see where you’re coming from. I think these kids really enjoyed seeing th dances the first time, and now they felt a sense of nostalgia performing something well knows by now. I couldn’t wait and see this episode with my wife, so I watched it this morning commercial free, with Auto Hop on my PrimeTime Anytime recording. I saved 40 minutes of commercials watching that way which allowed me to get to work, at Dish, on time and still see the whole episode.