Thursday, January 24, 2008

Project Runway

Hell has frozen over!!! Pigs are flying out the window! Ricky has won and Victorya is out? What in the world is happening to the universe?

Last night on Project Runway the group had to create an iconic look out of Levis Jeans. I will admit that Victorya's outfit looked like a jacket that she already had with the skirt attached (and the skirt was inside out jeans), but I never expected her to go home. Nor did I expect Ricky to win. The boy cries even when they complement him on the runway.

Ricky's dress was cute (read cute) but I think that Rami's look was the best looking garment. Although the zipper trim was a little reminiscent of Jeffrey's green striped finale dress last season.

It was good to see Sweet "P" get some kudos for her dress and I was glad that Chris stuck around. Christian is too much! He thinks so much of himself (and rightly so most of the time) that he can never admit when someone else has done a good job. I am glad that there is no more immunity. It definitely makes it more interesting.

Jillian looks to be on the verge of a mental breakdown (where was the blood?). A hundred bucks says that Ricky cries from now until the finale whether he makes it or not. Only two women left. What does this say about women designers (nothing except that Kit should not have gone home)? I love Tim Gunn but I think we need a new catch phrase. Make it work is getting old especially when the models start saying it while getting their hair done.

So long to the control freak and bring on the crybabies!!!!

1 comment:

David Dust said...

Bizarro Ricky wins!

Click here for DavidDust's Project Runway Recap.