Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gossip Girl is Back!!!

Thank goodness the show that I know and love has returned! Finally last night's episode of Gossip Girl brought back the sex, lies and campy fun that has been missing from the show since before Christmas. I did not think it could happen but Little J's birthday did bring back the pizazz. Five things I loved about the new episode...

1. Serena is bringing back the "bad" girl and losing her "save the world and all my friends" attitude. By disappearing to Spain (and sending her plans via text to her mother) she has decided that she is in a rut (and she was). What took you so long Serena?

2. Chuck and Vanessa together "no strings attached", its just sex. Take that Nate and your boring self.

3. Jenny inviting everyone on to her party by posting on Gossip Girl. Stupid yes but still funny.

4. Rufus and Lily not moving in together. Thank goodness they nipped that one in the bud. How boring and easy would that be?

5. Doroda in general on all of the episodes. She is just hilarious. I love that she has become Blair's confidant. It so adds to the campiness of the show.

*Please note that I did not add Nate and Blair back together as one of my favorite moments. Although this pairing led to Chuck and Vanessa the entire "romance" was too boring for words.

Hopefully the show will not lose any of its new zing when it returns on April 20th. Here is hoping that it is "back" for good!

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