Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are people really this stupid....

As most of you know I went to Key West last week for my birthday and had a wonderful vacation.  Now you also must know that Key West is known for its strong and thriving gay community (fun clubs baby).  Anyway, one of the days we were there we had torrential downpours.  Enough so that the streets were flooded with some nasty stuff (Key West sewage has no where to go people).  On this day we braved the rains and drank in a bar all day.  I discovered later that I had a cut on my foot and had been walking through the rain water (and other stuff) with an open wound.  It is fine but I have been laughing about my gangrene because of the nastiness of the water....

Here is the stupid part...I mentioned this to one of the teachers at work and she literally told me that I needed to go have an HIV test.  Because of all those gays (her words) in Key West, was I not worried about what they were doing on the street (really) and with an open wound I could get anything.  Are you kidding me?  First of all, the only people I saw having sex or anything else on the street were straight and gross (I mean fat and happy people) and did she naturally assume that all gays have HIV (because of course they do) and if they did why would they not release all bodily fluids on the street? 

I was just flabbergasted that this woman had these thoughts in her head.  It is no longer the 80's and I assumed that most people were better informed and more careful and not so stereotypical.  I honestly laughed at her and let her know that I was not concerned and then mentioned the gay bar that we went in to have a drink. 


David Dust said...

Oh good Lord...


the dogs' mother said...

I worked in public health in the early 80s - amazed at the stuff that came down that we were told. Looks like we have some more educating to do.

Bob said...

I am continually amazed at what people think about HIV.
The stupidity is scary, which is why HIV is on the rise, in straight people. You should tell your friend that bit of news.
It's not just a gay thing.