So I am off. I leave tomorrow for three weeks in North Carolina and hope against all hope that my Tivo does not wear out while I am away. What are the chances that I would be leaving as the new season of Project Runway is beginning? For recaps and such I will be trying to tune in to David Dust (not only for Project Runway but for Design Star as well) as should everyone else with any sense.
Have a great July and try not to think of me on the beach drinking a cold (adult) beverage, with my children (and a babysitter).
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Search for Elle Woods - MTV
Finally, finally I have had a chance to watch Monday's episode of MTV's The Search for the New Elle Woods (or whatever the damn show is called). After the judges got rid of Emma last week I actually realized that they might know what they are doing. Not one elimination has seemed suspect to me and this weeks episode again did not disappoint.
The girls started the week with a trip to the beauty salon (that's what my grandmother always called it). The brunette girls (Natalie and Autumn) went blond and the other girls got a little more bounce. I will say that neither Natalie nor Autumn looked "right" with the blond hair but kudos to them for allowing the color to happen.

My only pause was when Bailey cried over the loss of her hair (huh?). You could not even tell that it had been cut (no trimmed).
The audition this week was the song, Legally Blond, and it had to be sung with feeling (shouldn't they all). Overall most of the girls did well but Natalie; I don't know if it is her height or her strange mouth and bug eyes, just did not look the part. She is an interesting looking girl and has talent but she does not look the part at all. I guess this is why she was sent home. Now the thing about Natalie is that she took her cut like a champ. She did not talk shit about the other girls (Emma) and she accepted that she was not right for the part.

Bailey was in the bottom three this week (surprising since she seems like one of the favorites) so it will be interesting to see how she bounces back next week. I still wonder how long the winner will get to play the part on Broadway. I also wonder how Haylie Duff got this job. I wonder a lot of things while I watch this show.
The girls started the week with a trip to the beauty salon (that's what my grandmother always called it). The brunette girls (Natalie and Autumn) went blond and the other girls got a little more bounce. I will say that neither Natalie nor Autumn looked "right" with the blond hair but kudos to them for allowing the color to happen.

My only pause was when Bailey cried over the loss of her hair (huh?). You could not even tell that it had been cut (no trimmed).
The audition this week was the song, Legally Blond, and it had to be sung with feeling (shouldn't they all). Overall most of the girls did well but Natalie; I don't know if it is her height or her strange mouth and bug eyes, just did not look the part. She is an interesting looking girl and has talent but she does not look the part at all. I guess this is why she was sent home. Now the thing about Natalie is that she took her cut like a champ. She did not talk shit about the other girls (Emma) and she accepted that she was not right for the part.

Bailey was in the bottom three this week (surprising since she seems like one of the favorites) so it will be interesting to see how she bounces back next week. I still wonder how long the winner will get to play the part on Broadway. I also wonder how Haylie Duff got this job. I wonder a lot of things while I watch this show.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Celebutantes by Amanda Goldberg and Ruthanna Khalighi Hopper
Speaking of celebrities: I just finished Celebutantes by Amanda Goldberg and Ruthanna Khalighi Hopper.

It was an interesting look into Hollywood the week before the Oscars. In fact the central character is Lola who is Hollywood royalty (her father is a big time director) without being anyone in her own right. Even my reading carries over into the entertainment world.
The thing about this book that I found so amusing was that everyone was the next someone: The next Nicole Kidman, the next Cameron Diaz. Even the movies were the remakes of old classics or sequels to movies that we have all seen and never wanted a sequel to come about (Days of Thunder anyone?). Even in an issue of Entertainment Weekly last month the cover was about the "next Hollywood A-List". You know questions like who is the next Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan?
All of this got me to thinking (I know right); if everyone now is the next someone than the next generation will be what? The next, next someone? So confusing.
Anyway, read the book. It was a fun, easy read and perfect for a day at the beach (or pool for those of you who are landlocked). Also, I cannot imagine that some of the more bizarre actress characteristics were not based on someone we all know and maybe love. Sometimes even a good imagination cannot come up with this stuff.

It was an interesting look into Hollywood the week before the Oscars. In fact the central character is Lola who is Hollywood royalty (her father is a big time director) without being anyone in her own right. Even my reading carries over into the entertainment world.
The thing about this book that I found so amusing was that everyone was the next someone: The next Nicole Kidman, the next Cameron Diaz. Even the movies were the remakes of old classics or sequels to movies that we have all seen and never wanted a sequel to come about (Days of Thunder anyone?). Even in an issue of Entertainment Weekly last month the cover was about the "next Hollywood A-List". You know questions like who is the next Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan?
All of this got me to thinking (I know right); if everyone now is the next someone than the next generation will be what? The next, next someone? So confusing.
Anyway, read the book. It was a fun, easy read and perfect for a day at the beach (or pool for those of you who are landlocked). Also, I cannot imagine that some of the more bizarre actress characteristics were not based on someone we all know and maybe love. Sometimes even a good imagination cannot come up with this stuff.
Did anyone else see this?
I know that I am way too involved in celebrities lives but did anyone else see this:

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long Split
Read the story on
Just so sad. I thought that the two of them were goofy and fun enough to make it. One never knows.

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long Split
Read the story on
Just so sad. I thought that the two of them were goofy and fun enough to make it. One never knows.
Monday, July 7, 2008
HGTV's Design Star
I was wondering how much drama Design Star would still have if Gay Michael was gone and last night I got my answer: Not much! Now that the drama queen has gone, Tracee was my next "must go" of the group. Although the show seemed slightly dull without Michael telling everyone how great he was, I forged ahead so that I could see Tracee get the boot. Boy was I disappointed.
Last night saw the 6 remaining designers take on two suites at some Grand Ole Opry hotel (?) in Nashville. The suites were to be designed the way that Sara Evans (a country music star) would have designed them (so confusing I know).
Anyway, so they split up into two groups of three and guess who was picked last. I know shock right, no one wanted Tracee on their team. The teams were Trish, Mikey V, and Tracee and then Jenn, Stephanie and Matt.
Long recap short....Trish, Mikey V and Tracee nailed it. The suite was homey and well done and the doors that Tracee (again a shock) picked to be used as the headboards on the beds were great looking. Tracee did suck on her television hosting portion of the challenge (and Trish was the best go figure) but overall their team really surprised me with how great the room looked. On the other hand...Matt, Jenn and Stephanie just bombed. They had some good things going on; I loved Matt's detail in the bedroom and some of Jenn's artwork was nice but overall the room was just such a hodge podge of stuff that nothing flowed well together. And most of this was due to Stephanie's choice of items. The fact that she picked out the sofa and could not get the second one up the stairs put the entire team in jeopardy. Brains in boobs; all I have to say.
When the three of them (Matt, Stephanie and Jenn) stepped before the judges I honestly thought that Stephanie was never going to admit who picked out most of the items in the room. They just kept looking at each other; neither Matt nor Jenn wanting to be the one to call Stephanie out. When she finally admitted her mistakes I breathed a sigh of relief that the correct person was going home. And she did.

So now Boobalicious (Stephanie if you did not know) is gone, Drama Queen (aka Gay Michael) has been forgotten and everyone likes Tracee. My, my how times have changed. Next week is a kitchen and a double exciting (by the way that was extremely sarcastic in my head).
Last night saw the 6 remaining designers take on two suites at some Grand Ole Opry hotel (?) in Nashville. The suites were to be designed the way that Sara Evans (a country music star) would have designed them (so confusing I know).

Long recap short....Trish, Mikey V and Tracee nailed it. The suite was homey and well done and the doors that Tracee (again a shock) picked to be used as the headboards on the beds were great looking. Tracee did suck on her television hosting portion of the challenge (and Trish was the best go figure) but overall their team really surprised me with how great the room looked. On the other hand...Matt, Jenn and Stephanie just bombed. They had some good things going on; I loved Matt's detail in the bedroom and some of Jenn's artwork was nice but overall the room was just such a hodge podge of stuff that nothing flowed well together. And most of this was due to Stephanie's choice of items. The fact that she picked out the sofa and could not get the second one up the stairs put the entire team in jeopardy. Brains in boobs; all I have to say.
When the three of them (Matt, Stephanie and Jenn) stepped before the judges I honestly thought that Stephanie was never going to admit who picked out most of the items in the room. They just kept looking at each other; neither Matt nor Jenn wanting to be the one to call Stephanie out. When she finally admitted her mistakes I breathed a sigh of relief that the correct person was going home. And she did.

So now Boobalicious (Stephanie if you did not know) is gone, Drama Queen (aka Gay Michael) has been forgotten and everyone likes Tracee. My, my how times have changed. Next week is a kitchen and a double exciting (by the way that was extremely sarcastic in my head).
Thursday, July 3, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance!
Another week and another couple goes home. This has taken me awhile to write; not because it is so great but because of the holiday weekend. I decided that it made perfect sense to volunteer to have the neighborhood over for a 4th of July cookout. So anyway I am just now recovering and finally watched the results show.
This week all of the couples had to do two dances (totally different genres). Then of course America voted and six total dancers (three boys and three girls) had to dance for their life for the judges. Finally, Kourtni and Matt were sent packing. They have been in the bottom for the last three weeks and it was time. Their hip hop routine was bad and if I know it was bad and I don't dance at all then it really sucked.

Sorry so short (remember SSS on notes in junior high). Next week it is.
This week all of the couples had to do two dances (totally different genres). Then of course America voted and six total dancers (three boys and three girls) had to dance for their life for the judges. Finally, Kourtni and Matt were sent packing. They have been in the bottom for the last three weeks and it was time. Their hip hop routine was bad and if I know it was bad and I don't dance at all then it really sucked.

Sorry so short (remember SSS on notes in junior high). Next week it is.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Search for Elle Woods - MTV
If anyone actually thought that raspy voiced, chain-smoking, non-dancing (and cussin) Emma would have made a good Elle Woods then please oh please stand up for the girl!

As for me, I just could not get past how "New York" she was. OK, before anyone chastises me for saying that like its a bad thing hold on; Elle Woods is not a New Yorker. Elle Woods is from California; she is young, blond, frivolous, and fun. Emma was none of these things and her acting skills were not enough to even begin to come across as this person.
From the beginning: Monday nights episode of The Search for the Next Elle Woods (or whatever the ridiculously long title of the show is) was all about dancing. The girls finally had to show their dancing chops and in the worst way possible. On the streets of New York (Brooklyn I think) in high heeled, bubble-gum pink boots. Emma could not hack it. I know, I know she was sick but every week there seems to be an excuse. I just quit smoking, I have bronchitis, I have not taken a dance class in five years.... After awhile you have to ask yourself does this girl really have the triple threatedness (not a word I know but sounds good) to actually star in a Broadway musical?

After the debacle on the streets the girls had to learn a dance to perform for the judges. Then they worked all night to prepare the dance. Oh and during the night they had to fill out a questionnaire with a worst list (worst dance, worst singer you get the picture). This just destroyed some of the girls (no really) and then in the "Elle" way they turned it around and made it positive. At this point I gagged and tasted vomit in my mouth (well hello Antonia from Top Chef). You know (and I know) that all of these girls talk shit (all girls do) and each of them has thought about who is the worst at any of the given talents. They just did not want to say it out loud. No one wants to look like a bitch (which I hate). Moving on!
So the girls performed the dance for the judges. Emma could not make it through hers and Autumn had to run off and throw up. Super fun!!!!! Anyway, the judges decided that Autumn (throw up and all) deserved to stay and Emma was sent home.

Now I would have felt bad for Emma (she is more talented than me) had she not talked smack about the younger girls saying that they were just "girls" and could not handle the show. Well Emma these girls could at least get through the auditions. You (woman that you are) could not even finish. Five left..who is going to win? And how long will their stint as Elle really run (1 show, 2 tops). We will see.

As for me, I just could not get past how "New York" she was. OK, before anyone chastises me for saying that like its a bad thing hold on; Elle Woods is not a New Yorker. Elle Woods is from California; she is young, blond, frivolous, and fun. Emma was none of these things and her acting skills were not enough to even begin to come across as this person.
From the beginning: Monday nights episode of The Search for the Next Elle Woods (or whatever the ridiculously long title of the show is) was all about dancing. The girls finally had to show their dancing chops and in the worst way possible. On the streets of New York (Brooklyn I think) in high heeled, bubble-gum pink boots. Emma could not hack it. I know, I know she was sick but every week there seems to be an excuse. I just quit smoking, I have bronchitis, I have not taken a dance class in five years.... After awhile you have to ask yourself does this girl really have the triple threatedness (not a word I know but sounds good) to actually star in a Broadway musical?

After the debacle on the streets the girls had to learn a dance to perform for the judges. Then they worked all night to prepare the dance. Oh and during the night they had to fill out a questionnaire with a worst list (worst dance, worst singer you get the picture). This just destroyed some of the girls (no really) and then in the "Elle" way they turned it around and made it positive. At this point I gagged and tasted vomit in my mouth (well hello Antonia from Top Chef). You know (and I know) that all of these girls talk shit (all girls do) and each of them has thought about who is the worst at any of the given talents. They just did not want to say it out loud. No one wants to look like a bitch (which I hate). Moving on!
So the girls performed the dance for the judges. Emma could not make it through hers and Autumn had to run off and throw up. Super fun!!!!! Anyway, the judges decided that Autumn (throw up and all) deserved to stay and Emma was sent home.

Now I would have felt bad for Emma (she is more talented than me) had she not talked smack about the younger girls saying that they were just "girls" and could not handle the show. Well Emma these girls could at least get through the auditions. You (woman that you are) could not even finish. Five left..who is going to win? And how long will their stint as Elle really run (1 show, 2 tops). We will see.
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