Saturday, June 11, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance - Top 20

When watching So You Think You Can Dance (or SYTYCD), I have a hard time getting attached during auditions because it always seems that the ones I get attached too, get cut.  So now that I have a Top 20 to choose from, I can pick a couple of favorites...

Wadi Jones - A Hip-Hop dancer from New York.  Wadi had to dance through leg cramps in Vegas and still made it.  Cute smile and looks like he is having fun all the time. 

Jordan Casanova -A jazz dancer from California, Jordan has a great smile and a wonderful attitude.  She tried to be a little too sexy in her audition to get noticed but she seems to have spunk as well.

 Marko Germar - Another jazz dancer from California, Marko was so talented and he has a story.  He was shot in the shoulder and the bullet is still there.   

 Ok, so these are my favorites thus far but the show has not started yet.  I might have new favs by next week.  Hope you are watching though, these kids (all of them) are talented.  If you can get past Mary Murphy screaming its a great show. 

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