My three favorite teams were, of course, all safe. So while Twitch and Kherington, Joshua and Katee and Chelsea and Mark went into the safety zone, I tried to figure out who to pull for during the solos. The bottom three teams were Chelsea (the other one) and Thayne, Chris and Comfort, and Kourtni and Matt. The contemporary piece that Kourtni (why do all of these girls have to spell their names so awkwardly) and Matt did was weird but I thought they did it well. The other two teams were not good so I knew that I would be hoping that someone from those teams went home. All six performed their solos and then after a bunch of other stuff (you gotta love live television) the judges finally picked two to go home. Chelsea

was the first to go which was a little odd since the judges seemed to love her spirit and then Chris (finally) was eliminated.

He had not nailed a dance yet so it was only a matter of time.
For next week this means that Comfort and Thayne (the partners left behind) will pair up for the first time. This should be interesting given the chemistry (hate that word) between all of the other couples. Loving this summer show. A Lot.
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