I have now watched all back episodes of So You Think You Can Dance and I have to just tell everyone that I am a little shocked! The final four is not at all what I had anticipated. How is it possible that Evan is in the finals and Ade is not? I knew that from the beginning Evan was a fan favorite but for someone of his limited dance ability I just do not see how he can compete with the other three finalists. If the winner is not Jeanine or Brandon I will protest (OK not too loudly since I love the show so much). How fun was it to see some of the most memorable dances from last season though? Also which dances will be the ones that are memorable this season? Wednesday and Thursday night will be fun! Can't wait!
I LOVED Ade...
I am so very angry over this! What the heck is Evan even doing in the top 6 or 8, forget the final 4!
I can guarantee that NONE of Evan's dances will be the most memorable, or the ones nominated for Emmys. Brandon, Janette, Melissa, Ade, Kayla and Jason have put out the most memorable performances in my opinion and it is a shame that Ade got the same treatment Courtney and Mark and Will and Pascha have all gotten by being voted off too early because others voted solely on personality and not on dance ability or talent.
Though I must say that the final 4 girls were all amazing and it really had to be week to week for them. I personally thought Jeanine should have gone home the week Janette did because I thought she had the worst week then. My personal preference had always been for Melissa and Kayla, but I really can't complain about Jeanine or Kayla being in the top over Janette or Melissa being they really all were so strong. Unlike a certain someone who has just hypnotized grannies and tweens with his puppy dog smirk and suspenders. He is no Gene Kelly and I will be so very sad if he wins, which I think he will unfortunately. Ugh.
Wow that was long! Sorry, could you tell I needed to vent a little? ;)
I've missed it and didn't record it for several weeks. I'm surprised, too. I'll watch the finals.
I am interested to see what happens tonight. I too miss Ade but I am hoping to see some of his performances in the finale. Thanks for the comments.
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