Wednesday, September 10, 2008

90210 - Help Me Walk Away

I know that I said that I would not discuss the new 90210 but last night's episode made it almost impossible for me to ignore my feelings about what was going on. I will just come right out and say; the show is dumb. The acting is bad and the storylines have been done (again and again and again...). However, the producers are smart and they know it. The reason for me watching last night was to find out the identity of the father of Kelly Taylor's child (I loved the old show and want to know what happened to my "friends"). But no, they (the producers/writers) are stringing us old folks along. They know we want to know if the father of Kelly's baby is either Brandon or Dylan and they are not going to let this knowledge out without a fight. Even during a scene with Kelly's drunk mother last night I held my breath thinking a drunk would let the name slip but of course she was not that drunk apparently.

So we watch and hope that the information is given to us soon. My husband says the father will be whomever agrees to guest star on the show first (probably a good point from a neutral observer) but I can't help but think that they (the writers/producers) have to have a plan. On a side note; my Brandon Walsh would never (ever) abandon his child. Dylan McKay would.


lyma said...

OK, I used to have 90210 club at my house every week- but this is horrible! I think I do agree with your husband about the guest appearnce!

Anonymous said...

I actually thought last nights show was decent. The acting is still a little choppy, but the actors will get better. The show is predictable, but I'll probably keep Tivoing it. The cheating husband storyline is terrible, and his daughter might be the worst actor on the show.