I did watch this on Wednesday night (all two hours of it) and I want to discuss it but I worked (I know right) all day and my brain is just fried. Plus two hours of Tyra will wear anyone out. Just a heads up, I will be discussing the show in the coming weeks and might add a few things to the first episode over the weekend. What you need to know is that there are 14 girls (well 13 girls and one...) and a few have already established themselves as the shy one, the bitch, the over confident one and of course the transgender one (what?). Yes Tyra has a transgender on the show this cycle and Isis is actually very pretty (in a model way). She/he photographs very well. We'll see how long she/he lasts.

Sharaun was eliminated last week (Karma is a bitch since she was picking on Isis) and as she fell to the floor crying I asked myself again why I watch this damn show (but I do so get over it).

Benny Ninja is back next week so here we go for another cycle. Also I would get into how dumb the model selection process was with the futuristic robots but it is actually just beyond words and some may question my sanity. Lets just say Tyra is back and she is running out of ideas. Later taters.
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