Congrats to Nick and Starr for winning the Amazing Race 13! We all knew the race was going to be between Nick and Starr and Ken and Tina (famous eyebrows and all). Once again Dan and Andrew got lost and were not in the final leg at all. I wish that Toni and Dallas had been there (where were they by the way at the finale?) to make things a little more interesting. But congrats to the brother and sister team and hopefully the next round will be a little less yawn and a little more fun.
Side note...this morning on The Early Show Ken and Tina were holding hands and let everyone know that their marriage has taken a turn for the better. Good for them for hanging on and working things out. Even if she is funny to look at.
Toni and Dallas were still having problems with their lost passport so they didn't make it back to the states in time for the finale:
And I agree, it was a pretty boring season and finale. I think I watched it more to see what they were going to do, than who would win.
Thanks for the info! Hopefully next season will be better.
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