Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Card Pictures

We always do Christmas Cards. No matter what we send out cards with the children's picture at Christmas to celebrate the season. Most of the time I assume that it is a way to "one up" everyone you know by showing them how cute your children are but I still subscribe to the idea that Christmas cards must be sent. This weekend I attempted to get my children to "pose" for pictures. Here are some of my favorites...

I remember hating this as a child but my children take it to a whole new level.


David Dust said...

Awwwwww ... they are adorable. I like the 2nd pic best.

Luckily, Mama Bunny never put my brother and I through such an ordeal! :)


the dogs' mother said...

This year the picture is of the kids in their various college tshirts and Eldest is pretending to gut punch Gorilla Boy as GB's college beat eldest's college in the grudge match game. As you can tell they are waaay beyond the cute stage. Your darlings are mega-adorable!
As a card getter I always love pictures. My fridge would not stand up on its own without its covering of kid pictures from Christmas cards.

Anonymous said...

I love that you have fun with your pictures Frogponder. I hope that we can continue the tradition as much as my children hate it. As for you DD, how did you avoid the tradition. I think maybe Mama Bunny needs to start sending out pictures now just to torture you.

Joy said...

They are so cute! I love getting pictures, too.