Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's finally over...

I will admit that I have wasted a good portion of my summer watching the Bachelorette.  The show was dumb from the beginning and then just got dumber.  Thank goodness for Tivo and the ability to fast forward through stupid, cheesy sections of the show (OK that was most of the show).  Last night was the "final rose" (would anyone ever have Chris Harrison's job) and many tuned in to see if Ashley (bless her heart) would choose Ben or JP.

The story had already leaked that Ashley chose JP but everyone (meaning me) wanted to see the proposal.  I watched the end.  I did not watch the uncomfortable meeting of the parents or the reflections and deep thoughts of all three of the final people.  I just wanted to see the rejection and the proposal.

Ben was a gentlemen (and even on the final rose he was still a gentlemen).  Of course he was angry when he received his rejection but he never said a bad word or a mean thing to Ashley.  He just told her that they could not be friends (and why would you want to be).  As for JP, I know that many did not like him but I was always a fan of JP.  He was cute, attentive and possibly too good for Ashley.  Yes he got a little jealous but who wouldn't.

So the show is over and now the burning question is....will I watch The Bachelor Pad (of course I will).  No I guess we are all left to wonder how long the relationship between Ashley and JP will last (if at all) and will she really move to New York.  And will Ashely ever believe that people actually like her and will she stop wearing the tight pants that make her look bowlegged?  These are the things that keep me up at night.

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