I have been meaning to write this all day but alas I am sick again (wiping the noses of 7 two year olds will do this to you). So I have dragged myself to the computer and am ready to give everyone at NBC a piece of my mind about the outcome of The Biggest Loser on Tuesday night.
As most everyone knows, Vicky (the evil game player) has made it to the finals and is in contention to win the $250,000. Luckily my contestant, Michelle, also made it to the finals and I will be cheering hard for her to take home the money. In a twist, the public (that's me and you) had to vote on whether Ed or Heba would be the final one in the top three. After posting Tuesday night most of the response was for people to vote for Ed only because the married couple (or Heba really because Ed does what Heba says) wanted Heba in the finals.

Here is my beef with NBC: The smirking, evil, game playing, not taking weight loss seriously Vicky has taken something away from what was once an inspiring show. I know that evil makes for good television but in this show rarely have we viewed evil and when we did it was gone quickly. When Bob asked Vicky what she learned from the Ranch, she looked at him with her stupid smirk and said, "nothing". And we are supposed to root for this woman? Bob also referenced the first season winner (Ed I think) who was a huge game player and is now as big as he was when he started the show. Bob does not want this to happen to Vicky (and surprisingly neither do I if only for her children). I just want Vicky to realize how horribly she came across on television and hope that her children never (ever) think that this is OK to treat people like this. She will get hers eventually; I just hope that it is not in the form of $250,000.
As for Michelle...just win! Michelle is a beautiful woman and she looks so good. Please Michelle win for all of us who are rooting for you and rooting against Vicky!

Tuesday night should be fun and I can't wait to see who wins the losers prize (please not Brady). Oh and one more thing, raise your hand if you truly beleive that Heba has worked harder than anyone else. Yeah that's what I thought. Move on Heba and get your ass to the gym.