So how boring are the Oscars when you have not seen any of the movies (except for the animated ones) and can not get excited about any of the "has beens" that are back? Pretty damn boring if you ask me. Now don't get me wrong there were a few highlights for me.
1. Hugh Jackman was absolutely, deliciously great. He sang, he danced and he looked hot doing it. Bravo!
2. Kate Winslet finally won and although I did not see the movie I love her classy effortless acceptance speeches.
3. Ben Stiller doing his best (or worst whichever way you want to look at it) impression of Joaquin Phoenix.
4. Skit starring Seth Rogen and James Franco (I love that he is so funny) about comedy in movies, sitting on a couch looking high as kites.
5. And as always the clothes. Oh the clothes!
My favorites were Kate Winslet

and the stunning Anne Hathaway!

I absolutely hated Reese Witherspoon (not her, her dress)

and Beyonce' looked a little (or a lot) hootchie in her gold and black number.

What did you like, dislike, love or hate about this year's show?