I worked today with my 2 year olds and the big event is the Valentine's Day party on Friday. Each child has made a "mailbox" for his or her Valentines and they will exchange them Friday and have a little "special" snack to celebrate. We are also spending the week making heart shaped art projects to appease the parents.

I have to tell you...I hate this Holiday! Whether you have a significant other or not, Valentine's Day is just a stupid Holiday. One more reason to send a card, one more reason for the singletons out there to feel left out (as if New Years Eve is not bad enough) and one more reason to load up on cupcakes and sugar (OK maybe that is not so bad). The good thing about the age that I am teaching is that no one gets left out. Everyone still gets a Valentine from every child in the class. Now by the time you hit fourth grade this no longer happens but the innocence of youth is upon us and all the kids love each other (except when they want the same toy on the playground).
I did have a mom ask me today if I had any plans for the Valentine's weekend (when did it become a whole weekend) and I wanted to say "no my husband tells me he loves me every day not just once a year", but I did not. I swallowed my sarcasm and smiled and said no that we usually do not celebrate and never have. Just so you know; I do buy Valentines for my children. I am not that evil. I just do not think that we need another excuse to go out to dinner and buy flowers. Do it randomly and on a whim, it will mean so much more. And I felt like this even before the economy went to shit.
I love the candy hearts, I just hate the Holiday!
The only valentine's day that meant anything to me was when the twins were in fourth grade. I had pulled Gorilla Boy out of kindergarten (the teacher wanted him on drugs - NOT HAPPENING). So here it was valentine's day and he had none to give and no class to share it with. I was working the twins party and took GB with me. The teacher, who knew that he wasn't in school anymore, had every kid in the class make him a valentine and he had his own big envelope they delivered them too. Makes me cry to this day.
(And turned out he didn't need to be drugged, he is dyslexic...)
I love wonderful teacher stories. Some people really make you thankful don't they? Great memory and thanks for the smile.
That was sweet, FP, and made a good memory!
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