Sunday, February 28, 2010
Farewell Olympics

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
American Idol - Really?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Amazing Race - The Cowboy Way
First, I love, love, love that the cowboys won this leg of the race. They look and sound a little slow but they surprised us all with their sneakiness and ability to thrive on their own. Good job Jet and Cord. Oh and by the way, how do you forget your hat cover? Its the Amazing Race, it will rain at some point. Kudos for making your own.

Next, the blurring of the cows pooping just makes me laugh. Not sure what CBS was protecting us, the viewers, from but I am still laughing. CBS there is a book out there called "Everybody Poops" read it.
I actually enjoy the little interviews with Jeff and Jordan. She is clueless and he just seems to enjoy tripping her up. Funny stuff and they actually seem like a real couple to me. Not at all sure about the lesbians. They are not very nice. I was hoping to like them but as of right now it is not happening.
Finally, not that sad to see Grandmother and granddaughter lose. The Grandmother (what was her name again) seemed rehearsed and wanted to be old and soft-spoken while the granddaughter had very little personality at all.
Looking forward to a few meltdowns next week. What did you think this week?
Check This off the List...
Monday, February 22, 2010
How Cool is This?

Friday, February 19, 2010
Do we believe him?

Thursday, February 18, 2010
April 13th cannot come soon enough...
One last mention - Idol Top 24
Joe's Place additionally reports that Chris is now meeting with a high-powered attorney, and he just might have a good case here, in light of Idol's inconsistency regarding disqualifications. A couple weeks ago, it was rumored that Season 9 contestant Michael Lynche would be kicked off the show because his father violated Idol's confidentiality agreement by prematurely talking about his son's success to the press--but it appears Idol producers let that transgression slide, and actually allowed Michael to stay.
I feel bad for this kid and it seems as if he is being treated unfairly. Although now that he is doing interviews it must be for real. Not a great start to the season Idol.
American Idol - Top 24 drama continued...

Chris Golightly was disqualified yesterday. “Hollywood Contestant” Samantha Musa called Chris shortly after the show and tweeted.
“Just got off the phone with Chris GoLightly. He was disqualified yesterday, after already being told he was in the top 24, over some bogus old contract. The contract expired, but they disqualified him for not telling them. He is talking to lawyers, but doubt they can do anything.”
So what happened? Right now there is no official word on why Chris is out and Tim is in. There was a rumor floating that Michael Lynche was disqualified when his father ran his mouth about his son making the Top 24. Is it possible that Michael was actually Chris and the Idol guru’s messed up? Maybe. We will keep track of any updates but I fear we will never get anything official.
The website continues the speculation that young Chris had a contract for a boy band and was never officially released. Anyway, does this mean that Michael Lynche (Big Mike) is OK and that it is this Chris fella that has been booted? Or will the contract mess work itself out and Chris will be back next week? Does anyone have any information?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Modern Family is On Tonight

This line is from last weeks gem of a show. Hilarious!!!!!
Alex: ''What's Jagermeister?'' Phil: ''Well, you know how in a fairy tale there's always a potion that makes the princess fall asleep and then the guys start kissing her? Well, this is like that, except you don't wake up in a castle; you wake up in a frat house with a bad reputation.'' — (episode 14)
American Idol - Top 24 no more

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I Just Don't Understand....
The Amazing Race is back...

- Chile is not pronounced China ever. This is for Jordan and Jeff (of Big Brother fame). Jordan could not seem to recognize this fact as she kept mispronouncing where the first stop was going to be.
- Brazil and Chile are two different countries. Jet and Cord (cowboy hats)seemed unaware of this has they exchanged money for Chile and decided that Brazilian money made sense?
- Always, always follow the clues word for word. Even if you don't understand what a word means, ask! Have you learned nothing from seasons past Caite and Brent? Another missed clue, another 30 minute penalty. By the way Caite is the Teen Miss SC who did not know what geography was which leads me to #4.
- Make sure that you include a gay man when you have also included a former beauty queen that has been portrayed as a complete imbecile on national television. Gay men apparently do wicked impersonations of beauty queens. Very impressive Jordan (of the brothers team).
- Loved, loved, loved that the Dad and daughter team (Steve and Allie) painted the inside of a house before they figured out that they were in the wrong place. I would have loved to have hung out with those workers while this was happening. I bet they were laughing their asses off.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Georgia has Mountains?

By the way this is where we are going....so excited!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Friday Night Lights ending?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
John Mayer; Please Shut Up!
Full story here.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I am getting there....

How cool am I? Just saying...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Super Bowl - Best of the Rest...

As most of you know I love football (with a passion) and watch the big game with bated breath. Tonight I was pulling for the Saints...and to watch them pull out a win was amazing. Congrats to Drew Brees and Reggie Bush (my favorite) and the rest of the team from New Orleans. There are parties everywhere in New Orleans tonight (legendary ones).
With that said, here are my other favorite things that stood out tonight and made the game worth watching.
- The Best Commercial - I will get plenty of flack for this because the Bud Light commercials were cute but the Google commercial (Paris, chocolates to crib) was by far my favorite. Simple, easy and a great representation of the product. Well done!
- Best Play on the Field - The on-side kick by the Saints to start the 2nd half. No one expected it (especially the Colts) and it led to a score by the Saints. Its the Super Bowl, you gotta pull out all the stops; and they did.
- Best Moment that made me Smile - You all know how I feel about How I Met your Mother. To see Barney Stinson (aka NPH) in the stands with a phone number (which was real) just made me laugh. Called the number. I now have a date with Barney.
- Best Hoopla over Nothing - The Tim Tebow commercials were a non issue (in my opinion). It was short and no one paid any attention to it. Even those of us who are pro-choice blinked and missed it. Glad we fought over that one (sarcasm abounds). The only problem; did the hoopla make people want to know more?
- Best National Anthem - Obviously Carrie Underwood (the only one to sing it) but I wanted to give her props. The anthem was sung well and the country star looked great. Even the over-the-top shoes seemed to fit. Well done!
- Best Game-Changing moment - the late interception by Tracy Porter (Saints) to give the Saints the final score to put the game away. Exciting moment of course but also you (I) could only imagine what New Orleans was doing at that moment.
- Best Quarterback who did not win - Of course Peyton Manning is phenomenal. I adore him and although I was pulling for the Saints, it was difficult to pull against Manning. I love a man that can be goofy and laugh at himself. Plus Peyton Manning is a true, dedicated player. Wonderful season Mr. Manning. No one comes close.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I Love Modern Family....

“Luke, that is very offensive to women. Your mom works very hard, just now she works for us.” -Phil to Luke
Best Mitchell and Cam exchange:
“My dream for him is that one day, he’ll be on the Supreme Court.” – Cam about Mitchell’s lawyering skills
“Why Cam?” -Mitchell (just waiting for the punchline)
“So at parties I can tell people my partner is one of the Supremes.” -Cam
Jay’s best (if slightly offensive) quip of the night: “Part of going to the gym is the locker room atmosphere, and if I’m there with a gay guy, it’s just not gonna be the same. I mean for me it’s a locker room, for him it’s a showroom.” -Jay on going to the gym with Cam
“Some people call me a salesman, I call myself a salesfriend, so obviously I need strangers to trust me. I don’t take it kindly when someone Tom Sellecks my bus bench.” -Phil after discovering that someone drew a mustache on his face on his bus bench ad. Love that he turned Tom Selleck into a verb!
“Just test driving my new soup strainer.” -Phil about his wannabe-Tom Selleck mustache
“Once an old lady yelled at her at a crosswalk—she honked so long the horn ran out.” -Manny about Gloria’s bad driving and her inability to take criticism. How fabulous is Manny by the way?
“Oh sure, when you’re gay you just walk around giving butt bumps to everybody. It’s like a high-five — it’s a low two.” –Cam after Jay says that their butt bump helped Cam’s racquetball game.
And finally, the always-critical parenting lesson of the evening:
“You know how in a fairy tale there’s always a potion that makes the princess fall asleep and then the guys start kissing her? Well, this is like that except you don’t wake up in a castle — you wake up in a frat house with a bad reputation.” Phil’s response to Alex when she asks what Jägermeister is. See, we’re all learning things!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
When will the 15 minutes end?

Glee - The Soundtrack
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Oscar Nominations - Thoughts?
- Isn't it funny that Anna Kendrick (Up in the Air) was nominated when her other big role this year was Bella's best friend from Twilight?
- How about Sandra Bullock? Some say that she does not deserve an award but for someone who has entertained us all for so many years, I believe that she is deserving of some recognition.
- Many people are not fans of the animated movie Up (Best Picture nominee). I personally loved the movie. A little deep in the beginning for the kids; it made everyone's "bucket list" take on a whole new meaning.
- I could not get through The Hurt Locker. Most loved the movie, and the critics think that it is phenomenal, just not for me.
- Is it possible that Mo'Nique is going to be an Oscar winner? What a world we live in!
- I am so not a James Cameron fan. Even in the height of Titanic (which I loved, don't lie you did too) I never liked the man himself.