Thursday, September 29, 2011

I hate to say it...

I have decided to give up on a show.  I was going to say that it was my first show to give up on but I already dropped ANTM.  This one hurts though.   So without further ado and as much as I love Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ringer has been deleted from my Tivo schedule.  After 3 episodes I just realized that I did not care what happened to this character (Bridget/Siobhan whatever the hell her name was) and it was not pressing for me to watch the show as soon as it aired.  So I am freeing up some room on my Tivo and saying goodbye to Ringer.  Let me know if you think I am wrong to do this.

Oh and I am thinking that Whitney and 2 Broke Girls are not far behind....

1 comment:

Bob said...

I watched about ten minutes of Ringer before I said 'No more.'
2 Broke Girls is not really measuring up, and the commercials for Whitney already turned me off to that one.