Monday, January 19, 2009

I have not watched yet.....

As I posted Friday, Friday Night Lights began season three on Friday night. I have not watched yet! I am so disappointed with myself but the weekend has been crazy. We had people over Friday night, went to the South Florida Fair (now that was a sight) on Saturday and watched football yesterday and I (we because this is one show my husband watches with me) have not had a chance to sit down and focus. Everyone I meet keeps asking if I have seen it and I cover my ears in hopes that I hear nothing about the episode. So, with that said, I will watch and I will dish as soon as I can sit down and pay attention.

On another note, that Fair thing, totally not me. Plus I ate fried everything and threw my lost five pounds right out the window. Back to the diet today.


David Dust said...

Mmmmmmmm ... fried everything... my favorite.


David Dust said...

P.S. I am jealous that you have fairs in January. I love fairs!!

Tivo Mom said...

Fried Oreos, fried snickers etc, etc.. You would have loved it.

Joy said...

I watched Friday Night Lights and am glad it's back. We can discuss it after you've seen it.