Friday, February 22, 2008

The Gauntlet III

It was the gauntlet of the century (ok not really but that was how everyone was describing it). Coral vs Beth, good vs evil (not really), old vs young (not really again). OK, Ok lets describe how we got to this point.

Another day, another challenge. The Rookies and The Vets met at a pyramid puzzle to face yet another challenge that the Vets were going to win. Wait a minute, no they are not! The Vet boys have decided to "trim the fat" (stupid expression by the way) and get rid of some of their girls so they threw the mission and the Rookies finally win one. The Rookies then have to decide who is going in the Gauntlet and they toss a coin and throw in Coral (who is pissed). Then the Vets decide to pit Coral against Beth (Coral is pissed again) because everyone hates Beth (you would think Beth has realized this by now). The Gauntlet was anti-climatic. Coral won, Beth went home and Coral is still pissed.

On to the boy day. Of course the Vets win this one because they cannot lose any of their ever important boys (Danny really?). The Gauntlet is decided and Derek (who?) and Ryan (who?) go up against each other. Ryan wins and Derek, the strongest member of the Rookies team goes home (Ok he can't do puzzles but in his defense Ryan had help).

The Rookies are now down one more guy and who knows what will happen next week (the question is do I care?). Will the Veteran girls realize that the boys are throwing missions? Will Frank ever stop talking? How has Danny become such a legend in his own mind? Has CT become Chewbacca with all that hair? Tune in!!!!

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