Once the teams landed in Moscow they headed to the Detour. The choices were either march with the Russian military or feed them soup. Toni and Dallas arrived first and decided to march. No problems for them and they headed out first. Finally Starr and Nick ran into a little bad luck. The language barrier with the cab drivers proved to be too much and the two ended up lost most of the day. Ken and Tina arrived and they too marched with no problems. Then Dan and Andrew showed up. I have never in my life seen anything like Dan attempting to march. Actually the two did not march the first time because they could not figure out how to wrap their feet. They then went over to the soup side, then back to marching (where Dan could not maintain a rhythm to save his life), then back to soup. At this point Nick and Starr passed them and all teams headed to the Roadblock.

The Roadblock was moving 50 bags of flour, which Dallas finished first and he and his mom were finally first on the mat to meet Phil at the Pit Stop. Ken and Tina were a close second and Nick and Starr showed up mad, frustrated and more than a little confused in third place. Dan and Andrew finally arrived in fourth place after not being able to pay their cab drive and were told that it was a non-elimination leg. So Dan and Andrew (somehow, someway) are still in the race. Next week they have to complete an extra task before they can finish the leg. These two cannot even finish a normal leg without screwing it up, I can only imagine what will happen if they have something extra to do.

Someone loses their money and passport next week. Should be interesting to see who is in the final three (please let Dallas and Toni be one of the three).
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