Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gossip Girl - Good vs Evil?

You knew it was going to happen. Dan Humphrey could never be responsible for ruining someone's family; even if it was Chuck Bass. As Dan's mentor stated "he finally grew a pair" when writing the fiction piece on Chuck but Dan could not cross the line and publish an expose' on the Bass family. Thank goodness someone in the Humphrey family is still taking the moral high road.

Little J, oh little J, what in the world has happened to you? Jenny secretly met with an investor when Agnes pissed her off. Now Agnes is mad and has kicked her out. Jenny returns to the Humphrey loft and gives her Dad an ultimatum to sign her paper (allowing a miner to incorporate) and then she will return. It looks like Rufus has also "grown a pair" because he does not succumb to the ultimatum and now Little J is homeless and fighting to divorce her family. Oh the drama.

As for Blair; hoping to show off her mother's new boyfriend at her 18Th birthday party, Blair meets him and is appalled. He is short, bald and talks funny but after a few chess moves (between both parties) Blair realizes that this guy is good for her mother and allows him into their lives. Who knew that B was going to be the comic relief on the show?

Does anyone else find the artist boy that Serena is hanging out with a little creepy? I actually cringe every time they kiss. Anyway, Serena got a lecture about the ways of the world last night when she was told by artist guy that they were not exclusive. Hate this storyline and want it to be over but in a strange twist; Blair's mother's new boyfriend is the father of Artist boy (I refuse to call him by name in hopes that he leaves soon). So I guess they will both be around for a while longer.

I did not see scenes (damn my Tivo sometimes) but at some point we are supposed to have a death. Next week's episode is titled "The Magnificent Archibalds". Are we to actually believe that Nate might die? Who will it be and when? Till next week. XOXO


Anonymous said...

Yeah he's creepy. But Snorena is a fug horse face anyway. Those two uggos deserve each other. They both need to fall down a sewer and die in their own waste.

Anonymous said...

I really hope Jenny comes to her senses soon. They made her out to look like such a tramp with that hair and makeup...uggh!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Can we all remember she is 15 people.