Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight - The Book vs The Movie

I am almost finished with Twilight, the first book in the Stephanie Meyer series, which I started on Tuesday (post here). I cannot put it down. I am just enthralled by her writing and though the story is unrealistic (its fiction people) something about it just rings believable.

The movie starts today and I have been searching cyber space for the reviews of the movie. How true does it stay to the books? How was the beautiful Robert Pattinson? How did they manage some of the effects that I can picture in my head but not in real life? The review on Entertainment Weekly (here) was not bad but some of the comments were harsh (when people love a book they get very pissed if the movie strays from the story at all).

So my question is, for someone new to the books, do I go to see the movie? Or will it ruin the rest of the series for me? I guess what I want to know is, is the movie worth it (time and money)?


Medery said...

I am totally addicted to the Twilight saga. I just finished the fourth book in the Twilight series and also saw the movie. I would definitely finish the first book before seeing the movie, but the movie will not ruin the rest of the books for you. I enjoyed the movie, but in my opinion, books are always better. I always find it interesting to see how other people cast the characters from the book. Enjoy the books and the movie too!

Joy said...

After reading what you wrote about this, I'm going to read those Twilight novels. They seem to be as engrossing as the Harry Potter books which I LOVED and couldn't put down!

Anonymous said...

I am getting ready to start #2. I will let you know what I think.