Damn this time change. I still cannot seem to get it together but I at least wanted to acknowledge a few things about Tuesday's show.
Obviously Mike was able to pull through for the teams and he lost 11 pounds (this is where we were left hanging last week) but no one really had time to enjoy the win.
- The Black team continues to win everything...the challenges, the weigh ins etc. I really thought that this was the week that winning would bite them in the ass but once again they won and a member of the Blue team was sent home.
- Explanation of above winning statement if you did not watch; the Black team won the challenge and the prize was 24 hours of luxury. No one worked out, they drank (and smoked), ate crappy food and generally let it all hang out. Even with all that they won the weigh in.
- I hated the way that the show set up the weigh in this week with the "face off". Each member of the Black team went against one member of the Blue team. The team with the most winning combinations won. Stupid and stressful and needlessly hard for the women that had to go against the men.
- Is anyone else sick of the cousins (Sione and Filipe)? All they do is bitch and moan about Jillian and then when Jillian actually calls them out for their behavior (while they were on the luxury prize) they get pissed and cross the line back to Bob. I am not normally a Jillian fan but these boys need to grow up and accept their lumps if they screw up.

- Sadly Mandy was sent home (again never any discussion about Ron leaving and he can't do anything). It was touching to watch the sisters have to decide between each other; each one wanting to sacrifice for the other. In the end Mandy accepted her fate and went home.
I will do better next week (with my recaps). The show is starting to get more interesting...just one other note to NBC. We d not need all of the crazy twists! Keep things simple and about the weight loss (and human behavior) and we will still watch. I promise!
I am SO over the cousins! They need to get their ego in check. If you want Jillian to work out with you, say "Hey Jillian can you show me a new move?" Not sulk in a corner and run crying to Bob. Ugh.
I agree, too many twists. They are good to throw a curve ball now and then, but sometimes they are just unnecessary.
I think I am on team Kristen right now. But who knows, with all these twists I may change my mind ;) haha
That was easily the most dramatic BL in awhile. I agree with everyone's comments. My one thing is that Bob didn't encourage the cousins to reconcile with Jillian, he just welcomed them back with hardly any questions asked. That's irresponsible to me!
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