Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Biggest Loser -Couples

All I have to say is thank God the white team is gone. I could not watch another week of Neill fake his way through the workouts. My question is, is his wife blind? When Amanda actually said that she never believed that Neill was slacking off I actually laughed. She must be really in love or he has her snowed. Anyway, thank goodness they are gone and the real drama can begin.

The pink team did some soul searching last night and do not tell me that anyone was surprised that Bette-Sue dated sleazy men. She may not now but both she and her daughter look like their life may have been a little hard. I hope that they get it together and continue to do well. The difference between Bette-Sue and Neill was that Bette-Sue bitched and moaned and said she was going to quit and Neill actually quit!

Good job to the yellow team for winning the week. I still think it must be so strange to be doing the competition with your ex but so far they seem to be keeping it together. The black team just bothers me. Not the yelling at each other, we all do that with our siblings and no one should have made that big of a deal about it. They bother me because I just don't want them to win and I don't like the way they talk (is that snooty enough for you). I just want a woman to win eventually.

Next week looked interesting so we'll see about the new competition that Allison is talking about. Hopefully Loser will fare alright against Idol. Please don't move it. I need something to watch on Tuesday nights that is not Idol.

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