Thursday, January 10, 2008

Project Runway-Part 2

OK so I have watched the whole thing now (while ironing) and realize that it was the straight guy, Kevin (thank you David Dust for the update). I understand that someone had to go and Christian has a string of good outfits but I liked Kevin. He was a little full of himself but I did not think his dress was that bad. It was certainly not worse than Ricky's dress. How many times will we wonder if Ricky will go home before he actually does? Also, has there been an episode in which Ricky has not cried? I think not. My goodness, I never knew that fashion designing could be so emotional.

As for the winner, I liked Victorya's garment but I was pulling for Sweet "P". Her dress was beautiful (albeit a little boring) but I like her personality so much more than Victorya's. I know that it is not a popularity contest but I still have my favorites. One dress that I felt should have been in the top three was Kit's. I thought her dress was fun and innovative and I loved the bodice of the garment.

Good to have Tim say "Flotsam and Jetsam" in an episode this season finally. Does Nina look tired and bored or is it just me? Does anyone else think Christian resembles Pauly Shore? I cannot seem to get that out of my head. Can't wait until next week. Oh by the way, I watched the show that came on after Project Runway, Make Me a Supermodel. Will be tuning in tonight (or my Tivo will be).

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