Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lipstick Jungle

I am still not sure about this show; yet I continue to watch. What is my obsession with kind of bad television these days? My biggest problem with this show is that their conversations do not sound real. Last night Wendy told Nico that she made her feel "lousy". Who says lousy? We say that you make us feel like crap, or like shit (I know, I know network TV but still) we never say lousy. I just feel like the characters are a bit contrived and that maybe the producers and writers would be better off listening to the way that real women speak to one another. With that said, I still watch and I drool over Kirby.

In Thursday night's episode, Nico and Wendy went to Scotland for a meeting and Kirby met Nico there. Wendy freaked and said some really mean things to Nico about her affair but here again the mean things are not mean enough. If it were my friend doing this to her husband no matter how hot Kirby is (and he is by the way) I would have let her have it. Yes it is nice to be supportive but some things just need to be said. Brooke Shields does not have the strength (is that what I am looking for?) to give it to someone without still seeming too nice. Now Wendy and Nico are not talking (which again is crazy, if my friend said supposedly mean things to me I would have gone off on her as well) and cannot seem to get past what has happened.

Meanwhile Victory has finally started to question her mysterious backer until Joe announces it is him. Victory is devastated and breaks it off with Joe. I kind of understand this because as a woman we want to feel as if we are making a contribution and we cannot if someone keeps bailing us out. However, he does have so much money why not let him invest? The romance here is too cheesy and too romantic. You never see Victory and Joe with their feet up watching television. They are always dressed up and always going out. Don't they ever stay in (without bubbles in the bath)?

I will watch the finale next week to see what happens with Nico's husband but I am not sure that this show is going to stick around. I really do think that the writers (in the coming months) need to make friends with real women who have kids and careers and listen to their conversations. We will see if the show returns and if any changes have been made.

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