Once again, I reiterate, Karma will bite you in the ass and little Amy learned that the hard way this week on
The Biggest Loser. Did anyone think that Vicky would vote any other way? As she smirked her way through the voting process, please, the woman relished getting rid of Amy and exacting her revenge for the loss of her husband on the show.
Sorry I am mad and I need to back up. It was NFL week on The Biggest Loser and the remaining six got to play a little football with two big names (Jerry Rice and Steve Young). Of course Vicky "knew" that the game was going to be played a certain way so she tricked everyone by pretending to be slow and ending up winning. Even when she said that the money was going to a cause close to her heart (NFL 360 to combat obesity in children) because her daughter is obese I still hated her and wanted her gone.

Moving on to the challenge, the football theme continued with the winner receiving a trip to the Pro Bowl. Vicky excitedly announced that no one loved football more than she did (I beg to differ lady) so she deserved to win the trip. Well her team gave in and she won it (yuck and double yuck). So Brady and Vicky get a nice fat (no pun intended) trip to the Pro Bowl. Wait a minute, did little Amy just say to the television that she was unaware of any alliances on the Blue Team. How is this girl so clueless? Heba, Vicky and Ed have been an alliance since the first week. Where the hell have you been?
On to the weigh in and the Blue team goes first. Not bad numbers for Amy and Heba but then Ed pulls a huge 11 and Vicky is also safe. Dammit; my girls are going home. Hold on, Renee needs a 5 and pulls an 8. She is safe and I cannot stop smiling. Next up is Michelle and I just know she is going home. She needs a 5 and she pulls a ......a 10! She is safe and the look on Amy's face says it all. Yes Amy, you should have sent Vicky home last week. But I made a deal with her, yes but you sent her husband home and she wants revenge.
The elimination goes as Vicky (in her sinister head) has planned and little Amy is sent packing. I applaud Amy's weight loss and her sweet smile but I shake my head at her stupidity. Never ever try to swim with the sharks because the biggest, meanest one (in this case Vicky) will bite your head off.
Couple of side notes this week: Bob is pissing me off with this "no one has worked harder than my team" and "all blue in the final". You know he hates Vicky too (he has to) and does not want to see her win, he just finally wants to beat Jillian. By the way (Vicky), I love football more than just about anything. College, NFL any game will do me. Although when I saw that Heba and Ed had on Carolina Panthers (my team, I love Steve Smith and I am from there) jerseys it almost made me change my favorite team.

Next week is makeover week. Wonder who will look the best (Michelle)? I have a theory about Vicky: you know how people always say to someone who is overweight, you would be so pretty if you lost a little weight. I think Vicky is mad because she knows that even losing weight is not going to help her mean smirking, ugly face. Man I am mad this week. Happy Thanksgiving and happy eating!!!!